


'Deliberate speaking'
introduces the powerful words:
"I AM."



Creative Application

With a clearer idea of what you want, and with introduction of thoughts and beliefs which support it (archive), you are ready to examine your focus.

Focus is more than looking in a direction. It is in fact determining a direction.
This determination is easily enacted when we propel it with our words; or,
as we’ve heard, “keep saying that and it’s going to happen.”

This is an exercise in “deliberate speaking,” introducing the very powerful verbal duet: “I AM.” Try it now for a moment by filling in the blanks:

I AM ___________
I AM ___________
I AM ___________
I AM ___________

What did you get? What word or words immediately followed the “I AM?”
Do they represent what you want? Or what you don’t want?

Whenever you say, “I AM,” you proclaim to the universe who you are and want to be. The universe is a precise order-taker and does not argue with your words. It agrees with your proclamation and makes it so. Here are some examples and how they attract more of the same unpleasant conditions:

“I am tired.”
“I am angry”
“I am broke”
“Okay, you are tired”
“Okay, you are angry”
“Okay, you are broke”

“I AM” is a statement to complete with deliberation, and in alignment with all that you truly desire. Start today to use this powerful mantra to create exactly what you want in life. Notice how often you use the words “I AM” and what follows. If you do not like what you hear, say “cancel-cancel” and repeat “I AM,” completing it on behalf of your True Spirit!

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